Just wondering which aftermarket fogs you guys recommend. I have a rieger FB with an FMIC but I can fit fogs with the way my pipes are routed.
Anyone know a good place and or specific product I could pick up? I was looking on ebay but some of these companies sound fishy/ricey. (BlingLights, Kustom Kraft, etc).
Looking for a relatively small foglight in size, and I would prefer it to be "shallow" in terms of how far back the housing goes.
I know this is sort of a vague request and a shot in the dark but the OEM fogs are too expensive and IMO don't look as good as some of the aftermarket kits I've seen so far.
I also want to do yellow fogs, but I can always get lamin-x so I'll settle for anything, as long as someone has had a positive experience with them.