Craigslist has always been good 2 me, buying or selling bikes. Schedule your road test now. Also when you go to look at bikes, take someone with you who has been riding for a few years on diffrent bikes, and can tell if something is off. CHECK THE SELLERS NAME ON HIS LISCENCE AGAINST THE TITLE, THEN CHECK THE VIN#'S ON THE TITLE AGAINST THE ONES ON THE FRAME OR ENGINE CASE. If you need help and its near Staten Island in Jersey i can help ya take a peek at what bikes you may be intrested in. If its in South Jersey, I am good Sundays, because I fly outta lakewook airport so anything on the way down or near there I don't mind.
Awesome first bike,light,nimble, and very fun, just not all that fast with a top speed of like 95mph
Not sexy of anything,but 5 years old and capable of 120+. You would have 2 replace the rear shock and revalve the forks for decent handling, so I would personally pass, but you should be able to show up with 2500 or 2600 cash and take it home
Awesoem first bike a lil over priced, go for 3500 cash if you want 2 look. Good handling,power,modern looks.
Best bet, if it runs well as there are no pics. The bike is a tank and will survive crashing, the engine is bulletproof, tranny doesn't have the typical sportsbike 2nd gear problem. Just not the prettiest,or fastest. Handles competently though.
A lil up there in price for a bike for you, but priced right for what it is. A tad slow compared to I4 600's, handles well, bullet proof motor. Good bike. Very popular as a track bike 2.