I talked to a tech at APR when I had this issue as well as a few local tuner freaks that love their cars and knowing the ins and outs of the "little stuff" I learned the hard way that trying to go on the cheap with 380CC BOSCH injectors over the TT 225 386CC injectors was a bad move.... first you have to look at how a fuel injector works.."A fuel injector works in conjunction with a high pressure pump, bringing fuel from the gas tank to pass in a continuous circuit over the intake of the injectors. From the intake, the fuel passes through a filter to ensure the valve beneath doesn't become clogged with sediment from the gas tank. The pressure of the fuel within the injector holds down the valve, preventing the gas from squirting into the combustion chamber. Suspended at the top of the valve is a small magnet above a spring. Outside the fuel filled injector is an electrical coil which surrounds the injector, raised about a half inch above the level of the magnet. As the electrical timing system of the engine decides that it's the right moment to put fuel into the combustion chamber below the fuel injector, it sends an electrical impulse to the coils. The magnet topping the valve is attracted to the electrical charge in the coils and raises the valve, unplugging the injector and causing the fuel to squirt into the chamber. With this done, the electrical charge is canceled and the spring pushes the valve back down into place, closing the injector until the next electrical signal is sent. "
Now all that being said, these little injectors are not going to react the same way as the next companies injectors, and the specific tune you have had all its R&D done with the injectors they call for... make sense?
I have a K04 setup in my B6 A4 and the BOSCH injectors caused my car to run very lean due to not enough fuel mixture in my combustion chamber.... The best thing to do is call APR or GIAC, or REVO or whoever your getting your tune from and ask a tech there to explain the injectors frequency and how many millivolts it takes to operate the injector etc etc, then compare the stats against the injector your looking at.
All the small things make a huge difference.