Hey all,
I have searched every thread, in all forums for anything but came up short. Read the manual cover to cover for both car and navi, nothing.
When I am enjoying some music, even at moderate volume, when a call comes in, the ringer nearly blows out my eardrums, and comes on very sudden.
Literally makes me flinch to the point my heart skips a beat it is so loud and sudden.
If my music is louder, the ringer is equally as loud. There is no pause before the ring, it just instantaneously jumps from radio to ringer and scares me to death, like someone yelling "lookout!!!!" suddenly from the back seat.
Is this normal, or am I missing some secret adjustment.
I have tried other adjustments, as my call volume is perfect, my bluetooth connection chime is perfect, but the phone ringer is frightening. Rambling......
Thanks in advance!