Ok so i figured i would post this up now and then see how the inital intrest is. things always work better once there is a set date. So the date is Saterday August 16th. All we need to do is figure out a meeting place, and somewhere to crusie. If any of you have any ideas that would be great!. Depedning on where we are going Dave and busters parking lot at Hwy7 & 400 seas like a good palce beuacse there is and extremely large amount of parking sapce avalaible and we can all group together in an open area. All that is really needed is a good palce to crusie to. Take some picutres and what not, chill and they dispurse. Any location would be great. If 7 & 400 doesent work for a cruise location we can alwasy change it. Here is a shot of the D&B parking lot.
Meet time: 12:30am
People Attending:
1. Me
2. audipotential
3. Siggipop
4. gordon
5. Jefferson88
6. MXP
7. Minaol
8. Splentos
9. Wizzla
10. Rutman22 +1
12 MeteorS5
12. Marko_Thomas13