Far too often, "dragging" or faulty brakes are overlooked or dismissed as a possible and/or actual issue . But yes, poor maintenance in general is also a common issue.
There was another guy on the forum here who's being blown off by his dealer with poor mileage concerns. Just something to consider and also check, here it goes - I fairly commonly see 1.8T's where the water pump impellar shaft will start walking itself into the pump housing. For some reason, some dimwhit engineer thought it great to use a spring on the pump shaft. I guess the idea is to always maintain a bearing "preload" on the pump bearings as the bearings develop wear and tear as age and mileage take their toll. What happens is the pump pulley will start to rub on the pump housing and as crazy as it sounds, it gets to a point where it even affects staring quality and overall mpg since the pump will put too much "load" on the engine. I see it mainly on 02 - 04 1.8T's in cars. I think it has something to do with the particular bearings supplied for the pumps produced during this production range. I always replace the pump with metal impellar aftermarket pumps which do not have the stupid srpings. Though in general, I have seen similar issues in the past where belt driven components were failing putting too much load on the engine.
Essentially what it boils down to is to monitor engine load calculations on the engine when the car is not actually being driven, i.e. -idle and cruising rpm. Unfortunately, load calculations are not exactly the same on all equivilant cars with identical equipment options. Far too many variables to consider but in general, the load calc's should be fairly even from one car to the next with all the same equipment options.
Sooooo, I guess what i'm saying/adding to the list is : mechanical issues.
Alright, let the thrashing begin...............LOL