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  1. #1
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    Car lock but no confirmation?

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    I know that this is not a really big issue but when I lock my car I don't get any confirmation (light flash, horn). I've checked the the coding with my vag-com it it seems fine. What is weird is that when I unlock the car the light flashes to confirm that it is unlock. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings maxspeed's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    one of your doors isnt closed all the way, got a limp handle?
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    When your spirit is floating down that tunnel, towards the light, You know what's behind the light?
    It's not God, it's me. And I'm gonna kick your poncey soul All the way back down the tunnel 'till you choke on your own fucked up ribs! Now, Wake the fuck up!

  3. #3
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    The only thought I can offer is that my dad's '01 1.8T is like this and it's because his trunk latch is broken; it's never actually closed. That is to say, if you found his car in a parking lot, you can open the trunk even when the car is locked. So maybe for some reason one of your doors or your trunk isn't being recognized by the car as being closed?
    1997 a4 1.8tqm. apr 91, 100 octane. h&r sport. bilstein sport. ecodes. 18" s4 avus reps.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings maxspeed's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    ^ bingo
    2000 Audi A4 1.8TQM - RIP
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    When your spirit is floating down that tunnel, towards the light, You know what's behind the light?
    It's not God, it's me. And I'm gonna kick your poncey soul All the way back down the tunnel 'till you choke on your own fucked up ribs! Now, Wake the fuck up!

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings njm23's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    check your doors/trunk/hood. Something isn't closed completely.

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings getslideways's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    Quote Originally Posted by njm23 View Post
    check your doors/trunk/hood. Something isn't closed completely.
    yup sounds about right to me too

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings mholme's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    Quote Originally Posted by integrosse View Post
    I know that this is not a really big issue but when I lock my car I don't get any confirmation (light flash, horn). I've checked the the coding with my vag-com it it seems fine. What is weird is that when I unlock the car the light flashes to confirm that it is unlock. Any ideas?
    Is this something that just started happening or has it been like that since you got the car? The previous owner could have coded out the audio/visual alert when locking/unlocking. If it just started doin this, then as others have said, something isn't closed all the way.

  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings 317ssayzarc's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    my golf has this problem intermittently as well... my drivers door door check is shot... its like 30 bucks for a new one but idc enough yet

  9. #9
    Senior Member Three Rings murph013's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    This happened to me a couple years ago - I got if fixed under warranty - but it's happening again when it gets hot out, for some reason the sensor in the door latch isn't registering that my driver's door is closed and it will do the same thing. It will lock, but it won't arm the alarm.

    Thankfully I think we're almost done with weather hot enough to cause it, so I won't have to deal with it until next summer.

    If it is the door check, then you'd know it because it'll "ding" far a while when you start the car (and give you the constant tone if you have your lights on).

  10. #10
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    Quote Originally Posted by maxspeed View Post
    one of your doors isnt closed all the way, got a limp handle?
    Yeah my driver handle is loose but it still work properly. This could be the problem? Do I have then to change all the handle or only something in it.

    Guess this is what I'll need to buy to fix that problem?

    By the way thanks for all the quick responses!

  11. #11
    Senior Member Three Rings murph013's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    IMO, I doubt it. The loose interior handle is just caused by a spring in the interior handle assembly, and shouldn't affect the door latch itself actually closing, which is where the problem would be. If you're not getting a 'door ajar' warning when you get in your car, then that's probably not the problem.

    When you lock it, does the little red light next to your front door locks start flashing? If it does, then your alarm is being turned on, and as someone said before, maybe a previous owner just disabled the audio/visual part of the arming, so it's no big deal, really.

  12. #12
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    The car is locking and the alarm is arming. I have change the coding with the vag-com when I've done the remote windows mod but it still doesn't work. Is it a separate coding? I know it is not very important but I just wanted to check in case it would be something very simple to fix.

  13. #13
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    Quote Originally Posted by matt719 View Post
    The only thought I can offer is that my dad's '01 1.8T is like this and it's because his trunk latch is broken; it's never actually closed. That is to say, if you found his car in a parking lot, you can open the trunk even when the car is locked. So maybe for some reason one of your doors or your trunk isn't being recognized by the car as being closed?
    that happens to mine too. However, I can still completely close it with a bit of force.

  14. #14
    Account Terminated Four Rings mike-2ptzero's Avatar
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    Quote Originally Posted by integrosse View Post
    The car is locking and the alarm is arming. I have change the coding with the vag-com when I've done the remote windows mod but it still doesn't work. Is it a separate coding? I know it is not very important but I just wanted to check in case it would be something very simple to fix.
    How do you know the alarm has armed and does the alarm go off if you open up the car without disarming the alarm with the remote?

    What year is your car and do you have the notification on the cluster that shows any doors/hood/trunk open when you turn the key on to start the car?

  15. #15
    Active Member Two Rings
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    Re: Car lock but no confirmation?

    When the car lock the red light flash in bottom of window and it unlock correctly with the blinkers lights flashing to confirm. Everything is close properly and I don't get any display of anything that is open or not close properly.


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