Sooo ive always read on Audiforums and the Zine about peoples problems with the dealership--Here is mine NEVER GO THERE!
Ive been to two different shops don galbarteh(sp) and Don rosen. Both pretty good Galb. Told me what control arms were bad and checked some other things out for me FOR FREE. Rosen checked my Clunky second gear out drove it around made sure my clutch was fine FOR FREE...
For a while my flex pipe has been gone. One day it decided to brake and actually come apart from my cat. So i had a big gaping hole in my exhuast. I took it upon myself to fix it one day so i could complete my 50Mi work commute in silence not a big roaring exhuast. This week i have a paid vacation nothing like brining my car to YBH AUDI for them to fix my flexpipe(BOTH don's told me to bring it there to fix my exhuast under the 80K Warenty)
I called YBH several times to speak with their service department, told them plenty times that my FLEX PIPE is broke and a new pipe was welded in place for my work commute. They said over 3 times they will take a look at it, have their warenty spec. look at it and tell me what they can do.
Last night i dropped my car off there, my appt was for 8Am. I just now got the call for my car saying i owe them 2 hours worth of labor and they could not do anything about my exhuast. The warenty is only on the cat, nothing else. When i told them over and over again that my cat was fine and i needed a new DP/Flex pipe put in. They also told me they spent an hour reading my ECU to find a problem with my 02 sensor. I have a handheld obd and every 8min that code for my 02 sensor bank2 sensor2 comes on. NOT AN HOUR. They are charging me an two hours of labor to put my car on the lift look at it tell me my cat is fine(they didnt even have to get their hands dirty)
I called AudiAmerica and she is trying to resovle the problem for me right now......Hopefully they do and i don't have to pay 250 dollars for them to look at my car and tell me that its not underwarenty when they could have told me my flex pipe isnt underwarenty on the PHONE!!!!!
Never again. NEver again will i go to a dealership