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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings AAAA's Avatar
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    Timing belt will NOT tension

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    Went stage 3 recently, finished right before Waterfest (7/19). Did the complete timing belt job from ECS with cam seals, new belt, tensioner, tensioner pulley, water pump, etc. Ran fine to waterfest during break-in.

    About a week later, it starts making noises that sound like its coming from the heads. We take timing belt cover off and the belt has some slack in it. We contemplate whether it needs manual tensioning because its accentric, or if its a faulty tensioner. We decide to manual tighten the tensioner roller and see if its ok. It works for about 2hours, and about 6 pulls, then it makes the noise again.

    So I ordered a new tensioner. We put it on last night, it works for a few pulls, then I blow a hose off :banghead: . When I stop to see what hose it is, its making the noise AGAIN. So I take the car apart again tonight and the belt is loose as hell. What are we doing wrong? We've manually tensioned it, auto tensioned it with a new tensioner, and still the same result.

    It doesn't look like its skipping a tooth, but when you hand crank it you can tell it jumps at a certain point, just not to the next tooth. There is no evidence (the way its running, idling, noises) that indicate any bent valves or anything, so I think its just tight enough to where it won't mess up timing. Any thoughts? I'm exhausted from taking the car apart and putting it back together 4 times.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Re: Timing belt will NOT tension

    Are you tensioning the eccentric pulley while the hydraulic tensioner still has the lock pin still in place? If not, the hydraulic tensioner will extend fully and not take up any slack. Also, make sure the idler/roller pulley is not loose!


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