Sooooo, this afternoon i went to visit some friends way out in the mountains, and like five minutes after driving (pretty spirited ) up the windy hills all of a sudden the car had no power and my boost gauge wouldnt go above 0!!
i babied it for a few minutes and then all of a sudden the turbo started working again but only for like two minutes and then back to no boost. the rest of the way to there house was boostless. but then heres the strange thing, on the way home i had sporadic boost for awhile and then it just started working again and has been ever since
i figured it couldnt be just a boost leak because then i dont think id ever get full boost, but then again i have absolutely no clue what im talking about. it was almost as if the turbo just wasnt spooling sometimes and then would kick back in every once in awhile; and now its back full time.
im super confused as to what the hell is going on, so any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance. HELP!!
EDIT: i just realized that in my haste, i didnt even search, so please dont flame! i realize i didnt search, but i am now