Well I am going to be replacing my leaky aux water pump under my intake and am considering throwing in a couple intake spacers to help cool the intake air. I have seen several references to Vast's Phenolic spacers in AZ posts. These sell for $160. I am planning on ordering my aux water pump from ECS and I found some NS Performance Power Gaskets for $74.00 claiming a similar HP gain and 30 deg drop in IAT. So... Has anyone used either spacer? Which is better value? Also I assume that the NS Power gaskets are the actual gaskets and do not require an additional gasket like pictured with Vasts spacers?
Vast's Phenolic Spacers Link:
ECS's NS Performance Power Gasket Link (scroll to the bottom of the page):
I am thinking $74 is pretty cheap for a 5-10hp gain.
TIA for your inputs.