Coming home from lunch I'm cruising down the highway and a silver E46 M3 convert gets on at an upcoming ramp. He gets in the middle lane and after a few mintues I catch up to him in the fast lane. Coming up on him, I noticed it was dropped on the 19" optional M3 wheels, had a carbon fiber rear valence around the quad exhaust, and had some type of aftermarket exhaust. As I cruised up next to him I waved (car did look good), was a middle age guy with his wife/gf/something in the passenger seat. He kinda gives me a look and nods back as I pass him. Traffic was a bit thick so he drops in behind me. After a minute or so traffic clears ahead and I hear him downshift twice (it was SMG from the throttle blip and as quick as it downshifted). I was cruising in 5th so I just layed down on the gas. Ran from 80 up just shy of 140 with him behind me, just ever so slightly pulling away from him the entire time. As we cruise back down to reasonable speeds he comes up next to me with a bit of a confused look on his face. He gets a huge smile on his face and downshifts again twice into 4th. Again just layed back on it in 5th, he jumped about 1/2 car from being in a lower gear, ran up to about 145 this time and layed on the Alcon's with about a 2 1/2 car lead. He again pulls up next to me, big grin on his face, and holds up 4 fingers. Didnt know what he was talking about so we drift down to managable speeds and he holds up the 4 fingers again. I said "what?", he yells "4 cylinder?" I laughed and shook my head yes. He smiles again, gives me a thumbs up and went on his way as I exited off the highway.
Really wasn't sure what to expect when he wanted to run, this was on only 20psi and the first hard run Ive done since the rebuilt motor and 3076R. Very happy with the results for only 20psi
Disclaimer: video games are pretty realistic these days, even have 3076R powered B6 A4's, good shit!