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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings Bllzll's Avatar
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    filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

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    so i have the license plate holder in the front that i was looking to replace. i was getting ready to buy a filler plate sometime soon...

    so i take my car in because i have been getting bad gas mileage (they found nothing wrong, recommended me to use shell gas blah blah) but while i am leaving i think 'hey, why not just ask how much the stealership charges for the filler plate'

    so they tell me some rediculous price that i immediately tune out and then a guy walks by and says "hey, i think they might even cover that under warranty, sometimes when we ship cars from up north with the plate holder they take care of it, let me go check for you"

    so im thinking sweet, but i doubt ill actually get it done...

    ..but to my suprise, after about 15 minutes of waiting (not a bad wait considering there was like 3 people i was talking to about modding the cars so it was a good wait) but he comes out and says after being on the phone for a while talking with the warranty people, they will take care of it

    BAM, warranty covers it... FREE FILLER PLATE!!

    to classic audi in altamonte springs FL, they took GREAT care of me..

    not to mention the car was immacualte on the inside, and not only did they wash it, but they put tire shine on.. the car looked great and i needed a wash badly!

  2. #2
    Registered Member Two Rings OceanBlueB7's Avatar
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

    Audi warranty+assertive service dude = Hell Yeah!!!

  3. #3
    Registered Member Two Rings KOU's Avatar
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!


    Does that apply to all of us w/ warranty?
    If it does, I'm going to the dealership first thing tomorrow morning!!!

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Bllzll's Avatar
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

    i dont see why it wouldnt apply to everyone.. at first he wasnt too certain, but he had definitely seen it done before.. he said whenever they get cars from up north, or states that have it they get it replaced under warranty. they said they do it especially if you buy from that dealership

    i admitted that i bought it private party, and he still got on the phone for me and made it happen

    i wouldnt take no for an answer especially since i just got it done. if you are in a state that does not require it, and you have the plate holder let them know that you know for sure its covered under warranty, and you want them to get on the phone and have it taken care of

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings akasch's Avatar
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

    Nice. when I got my car I told them I wanted the filler on so I didn't have to deal with it later on

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings Bllzll's Avatar
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

    whats funny is they wanted like over $200 for it.. and i laughed.. and out of nowhere this parts guy comes out of a back room (i guess he was listening thank god), and tells me warranty might cover it. i looked at my service guy and he shrugged looking unsure.. then that parts guy dissapeared into a room and 15-20 minutes later im driving off with a free filler plate

  7. #7
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

    I'm thinking the guy pulled some strings for you. For warranty to cover it, the piece would have to have been broken. At the very least, he would have to tell audi that the piece is defective, and they need a new one to replace the defective one.

    so that probably won't work for everyone that walks into just any dealer. You should really make friends with him and hook the rest of us up!

  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings Bllzll's Avatar
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

    ha nah man im telling you i dont think he lied and said it was broken.. he said that what u get a car that has it and your in a state that doesnt require it, they will switch it out for you

  9. #9
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

    anyone else try this?

  10. #10
    Senior Member Three Rings Raistlin's Avatar
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    Re: filler plate cover under warranty!! YESS!!

    I thought you could actually request from the dealer when you get your car to keep the filler plate, or at least ask for it and they may give it to you. I could be wrong, but I remember reading a thread about it.
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