so i take my car in because i have been getting bad gas mileage (they found nothing wrong, recommended me to use shell gas blah blah) but while i am leaving i think 'hey, why not just ask how much the stealership charges for the filler plate'
so they tell me some rediculous price that i immediately tune out and then a guy walks by and says "hey, i think they might even cover that under warranty, sometimes when we ship cars from up north with the plate holder they take care of it, let me go check for you"
so im thinking sweet, but i doubt ill actually get it done...
..but to my suprise, after about 15 minutes of waiting (not a bad wait considering there was like 3 people i was talking to about modding the cars so it was a good wait) but he comes out and says after being on the phone for a while talking with the warranty people, they will take care of it
BAM, warranty covers it... FREE FILLER PLATE!!

not to mention the car was immacualte on the inside, and not only did they wash it, but they put tire shine on.. the car looked great and i needed a wash badly!