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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings absolutegtr's Avatar
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    Having trouble pressure bleeding the slave cylinder....what gives?

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    Well, after reading how COAVANT had good results after bleeding his slave cylinder and since I kind of did it "half-ass" after changing my clutch (more excited to drive the car); I want to re-bleed the slave to make sure no air exists.

    So this is my second time using the motive power bleeder (1st time I had no trouble) so I know how to use it (Or so it seems)

    I pressurize the system to ~25psi and open the slave bleeder and nothing happens....Even when I completely remove the bleeder no fluid comes out (this is with the system pressurized to 25psi,mind you)

    So whats going wrong? I am doing the same procedures I did the first time. Could something be clogging the lines (unlikely)?

    Whats going on?


  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings ziggituning's Avatar
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    Re: Having trouble pressure bleeding the slave cylinder....what gives?

    I had an issue like this on a New Beetle, was unable to bleed it right, and the pressure bleeder did nothng no matter what I tried, ended up replacing the hydralic assembly that the pedal pushes on, and all was fine, maybe your is on the way out, did you try and press the pedal to the floor and hold when pressure bleeding, may not be the right way, but if nothing else works....

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings absolutegtr's Avatar
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    Re: Having trouble pressure bleeding the slave cylinder....what gives?

    Quote Originally Posted by ziggituning View Post
    I had an issue like this on a New Beetle, was unable to bleed it right, and the pressure bleeder did nothng no matter what I tried, ended up replacing the hydralic assembly that the pedal pushes on, and all was fine, maybe your is on the way out, did you try and press the pedal to the floor and hold when pressure bleeding, may not be the right way, but if nothing else works....
    Thanks man for the tip. I was talking ro a former AZ member via PM (oldguy FTW) and he said the same thing.

    I packed the car up for the night.but tomorrow or Saturday, I will try what you two said (pressure up to 30psi, open bleeder, push down clutch pedal).

    As for the hydraulic assembly that the pedal pushes on (clutch master cylinder, correct?) I sure hope its not on its way out.....As of right now, my clutch feels great and drives wonderfully. I do sometimes feel notchy shifts going into thirs, and this why i want to re-bleed the system to endure that no air is in it.....

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings CO AVANT's Avatar
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    Re: Having trouble pressure bleeding the slave cylinder....what gives?

    pressure is supposed to be ~37psi for clutch bleeding...


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