Some of you may remember me from when I was posting around here when I had my silver B5 a4. Well, I ended up selling that when I picked up a B5 S4 last year. Everything was great with the car. I started running it at the track; was able to run a 12.5 on stock turbos, until I finally blew the infamous first and second gear synchros on the 00-01 01E tranny. I put the car down, picked up a rebuild kit, started looking for a deal on some turbos, one thing led to another and now I have a second B5 in the driveway! I just needed something to get from point A to point B and was able to pick this up at a deal considering it was in a slight fender bender. So here I am now, on my third B5 (lol), second A4. This time, laser red but autotradgic (

Since I picked this car up a few weeks ago, here are a few progress pics.
This was what she looked like when I picked her up. We had to do a custom widebody job to the car when we picked it up in order for the front passenger side tire to clear, as well as make our own headlight to drive in the dark. Drove it home from CT to NY with one real headlight and one bulb hanging where the passenger headlight would be. lol.

A few days later I picked up another fender and got a bumper from the classifieds with some fogs on its way. I also couldn't stand the purple tints, so I peeled them bitches off too.

Once the bumper arrived, I decided to snatch my coilovers from the S4 and swap them into the A4 and then went off to get everything painted including the lowers. Here is how it came out. For the rear, I decided I'd do the same I did with the S4. A DIY Euro Rear, except this time it would be the opposite of what I did with the S, as the rears are not painted on the A4. So I guess this is v2.0. Oh, I also shaved the fenders to use some one piece headlights and put an exhaust on the car that week. Here is how she sits about a month after I picked the car up.
No headlights or grill yet. Paint was still too fresh. It still needs to be wet sanded.

Headlights in, grill installed. (Grill is sanded to be plasti-dipped)

Rear shot.

The more I drive this car, the more I want to chip it or put a k04 on it, but it would be such a waste of money IMO considering its an auto and supposed to be a daily driver. So, here we go again. Another audi. Another money pit.
Opinions welcome.
