On to the audio...
Well it definitely took a bit of researching for this one. So far so good with only minor problems...
For the front stage I picked up some Rainbow Vanadium Phase Plugs as a set with the CAL 26 Tweets(titan), W165 Vanadium Phase Plug mids, and the vanadium crossovers that come with the whole package. I planned on running them passive using two channels of the Sundown SAX100.4 amp. Wellll that didn't work exactly how I imagined... With the tweeters in our cars being on axis they were overpowering the mids. The only way to fight this is to try use the attenuated setting on the crossover for the tweeters. In all honesty it didn't really do much, o well. My only option now was to use all four channels of the Sundown SAX100.4 and use it actively(technically bi-amped in my case) One channel for front right tweet, one for front right mid, one for front left tweet, and one for front left mid. This way I have complete control of volume over the tweets and mids separately. I can also choose my own crossover point. Currently the mid channels are a band pass with a HP @75hz 12dB solpe and a LP @3500hz 12dB slope. The tweets on on a HP@3500 12dB slope.
Now that all 4 channels on the SAX100.4 are being used for the front I have no amplification for the rears. So no rear fill until a I pick up another Sundown amp, a SAX100.2. The components for the rears are the complete Rainbow Sound Line component set. Tweets are CAL 25's (silk) and the woofers are the W165SLC. With only two channels on the amp I will be forced to run these passive with the crossover. No problem with that though.
All four doors and trunk were deadened with about 150 square feet of eDead sound deadening.
Besides an amp for the rear components I still need to complete my sub stage. I originally bought a Resonant Engineering 12" SE and had it in a 1.25 cubic foot sealed box. After about a week of that I found that a box in my trunk was not for me. This is being replaced by two 10" Image Dynamics IDMAX installed in the rear deck as an infinite baffle setup. It will take a bit of work to secure them in the beck and to seal off the trunk from the cabin but I think it will be worth it.
Enough with the technical BS, on to the pics...
Tweets for the front stage, CAL 26 Titan VOF

Front mids for the front stage, W 165 Vanadium PhasePlugs...

The Vanadium cross overs that I will no longer be using...

Tweets for the rear fill, CAL 25 SILK SLC...

Mids for rear fill, W 165 S...

Sound Line crossovers that I will be using as the rear amp only has 2 channels...

Here a custom wiring harness that Ted made me. Fits right into the back of the RNS-E and provides 4 RCA's (FR,FL,RR,RL) as well as a remote turn on for the Sundown Amps. Ted also included a connection for a not yet released Dice iPod harness that will allow you to control your iPod from your RNS-E screen...

The Sundown SAX100.4 used for the front stage...

The Sundown SAE1000 used for the two future subs...

Here is the stock front mids. The plastic mount that they are on is actually part of the speaker itself and is attached to the basket. The only way to mount new mids here would be to destroy the stock ones and cut out the basket/spider/motor/voice coil.
Stock Mids...

Phase Plugs mounted in the stock location...

Here are the remotes for the Sundown amps...
