Hey Guys,
I have a friend that is looking to buy an A4 from a friend of his. The car that he is looking at concerns me because of the following:
there are oil marks all over the place. When I told the plastic cover off to look at the injectors and coil packs and I had oil on my hands just from that! I took a glance underneath the car and I saw oil where the turbo pipe meets the pipe that goes behind the bumper, and it was quite a bit (it was on the side of the turbo...not the side of the intercooler). It has not had a timing belt job done yet but he bought a timing belt kit. I told my friend to ask the guy when did he buy the car and how many miles were on it. I also told my boy to ask his friend how often did he change the oil, has there been any work done to it, etc. It's an 02 and it has 91,000+ miles on it. The guys is asking for 10k. Is there anything else i should be on the look out for? I personally don't think it's a good idea but I wanted other opinions.