Just had to run to drop some stuff off at UPS (about 5 miles away), I barely get out of the parking lot and get a Mustang that pulls up next to me. Not the newest body style but the one prior. It had a GT front bumper and some big aftermarket hood but sounded pathetic. He pulls up next to me with his stock stereo blaring, sitting ganster style right wrist on the steering wheel, left arm hanging out the window. I couldn't even look at this kid, what a fool. He continues to pace me for about 2 miles staying right next to me going 40 in a 45 (trying to get him to go on his way). He finally pulls ahead at a light, says GT on the side fender but has a single bent down exhaust tip out the back And an auto I take it from having one arm out the window ...
Am I a dick? I couldn't even look over at this kid, let alone even touch the gas pedal, what a fool!
Anyone else ever find themselves in this place??