This black Lexus was extremely dirty, had a lot of clear coat etching, swirl marks, marring, holograms, severe buffer marks from dirty wool pads and compound (thanks to the dealership), basically every paint defect and imperfection you could think of. The car has been washed and machine polished SEVERAL times by the dealership. To top it off, whatever products they used to polish the car left silicone or some other chemical in the paint which was reacting with my polishes. This required me to do numerous chemical washes and wipe downs to remove whatever chemical was in the paint. This significantly increased buffing time.
This first set of pictures show the condition of the exterior upon arrival.
I polished behind the door handles by hand which gave a slight improvement. Sorry, no after pictures.
The door pillars were polished similar to the paint. Sorry, no after pictures.
This next set of pictures shows the lovely work done by the dealership. The imperfections left over by them include swirl marks, marring, holograms, severe buffer marks from dirty wool pads and compound, etc.
There was polish residue in all the emblems and just about every crack around the car.
The wheels, tires, and wheel wells always get cleaned first. The wheel wells and tires were cleaned with a degreaser. The wheels were cleaned with a dedicated wheel cleaner which is safe for all wheels.
This first set of pictures show the condition of the exterior upon arrival.
I polished behind the door handles by hand which gave a slight improvement. Sorry, no after pictures.
The door pillars were polished similar to the paint. Sorry, no after pictures.
This next set of pictures shows the lovely work done by the dealership. The imperfections left over by them include swirl marks, marring, holograms, severe buffer marks from dirty wool pads and compound, etc.
There was polish residue in all the emblems and just about every crack around the car.
The wheels, tires, and wheel wells always get cleaned first. The wheel wells and tires were cleaned with a degreaser. The wheels were cleaned with a dedicated wheel cleaner which is safe for all wheels.