I have a project a4 that I swapped all s4 motor trans suspension ect into. Bunch of parts worth what Im asking alone. Have proof of the motor running in the wreaked s4 before I parted it out and threw everything into the a4. Car dose not run because the dash harness needs to be swapped to a s4 one witch I dont have. It also needs some other things like a passanger side hub because the s4 was wreaked and this got bent. Also a rad support and bumper fallowed by the window. I have a bunch of the parts to help complete it as well such as dash, air bags, interior parts odds and ends from both cars. Both cars are/were 2001 tiptronic quattro. IM for alot more details.
Asking $3,000 for the whole car just because thats what the motor alone is worth. The rest of the stuff is just included and bonus for anyone that could complete the rest of the swap.