Our B5 S4 Air to Air Intercoolers are In Stock and Ready to Ship!
Our Complete Intercooler Kit, including Inlet Shrouds. Something the competition does not offer.
Cast Endtanks featuring A.W.E. Tuning Logo.
Why do we offer a Side Mount Intercooler design instead of a Front Mount Intercooler?
Safety and Ease of Installation.
To fit an intercooler core that was larger than just the cumulative volume of both side mounted intercoolers, an RS4 bumper had to be fitted, along with significant modification to the radiator support. The amount of alterations required to fit a front mounted intercooler that had superior performance over dual side intercoolers practically made it a custom one-off installation.
In order to make a front mount intercooler a simple bolt-in design meant seriously compromising its performance characteristics, which we were unwilling to do. To fit behind an unmodified stock S4 front bumper, the intercooler core dimensions had to be reduced significantly. Extensive cutting of the front bumper was not worth the safety compromise in our analysis, given that the vast majority of our clients drive their S4s on public roads.
Proven Results:
The RS4 and AWE Tuning intercooler temperature drop curves are nearly indentical up to approximately 3300 rpms, at which point the AWE Tuning units begin to show their superiority. From 3600 rpms and higher, the AWE Tuning units produce nearly an 8 degree F improvement until near redline. The stock intercoolers, however, really show their inefficiencies at this high of a boost level, with intake temps drops approximately 40 degree F and 50 degree F lower than the RS4 and AWE Tuning units respectively after 5000 rpms. Even low rpms show the inferiority of the stock S4 intercoolers when running higher boost levels.
The RS4 and AWE Tuning intercooler pressure drops (amount of pressure lost through the intercooler due to flow restrictions) are nearly identical to each other, at approximately 1.00 psi max. However, the stock S4 intercoolers become quite restrictive at high boost levels, resulting in approximately a 2.50 psi restriction to the turbos.
If you would like to learn more about our B5 S4 Air to Air Intercoolers, please call or email us: 1-888-565-2257 or [email protected]
You can also go directly to our website by click here:
Place your order knowing your intercoolers will be shipped immediately. Each kit comes complete with two intercoolers, AWE Tuning Inlet Shrouds (something the competition does not offer), special bracketry, and a detailed installation manual. There is some minor trimming of the body and radiator support needed to install these intercoolers.
If you have any questions you would like to ask, please feel free. I will do my best to answer them.