Then when Im all finished I went to lock the car thinking I had done a good clean install and the remote doesnt work to lock the car or the panic button. Hazards dont flash either. So I try to unlock the other doors and no luck. I hopped in and started the car, the automatic dome light setting doesnt work, the dome light itself works when you set it to ON but not auto.
Then I try to put the windows up, nothing happened, same thing with the open sun roof.
So I went to unlock the doors with the button in the car and it didnt work either.
I checked all the 5 amp fuses in the car and nothing was blown ideas? I did search and found out about a bad vac pump, but that isnt it. The pump doesnt even turn on and that doesnt explain everything else that was effected.
ECU reset?
Fuse check?

Thanks guys!
98 2.8 Q 5spd.