So a few months ago I noticed when I turned my car on the normal steady "whirring" of the fuel pump under the rear seats wasn't steady it was more of a sputtering.
After some suggestions on here I changed my fuel filter.
Everything seemed fine after that. I drove my car on a 1200 mile road trip down the entire East Coast to my new home.
It's been about 6k miles on the new fuel pump and 2 days ago I hear the sputtering when I start it. I drove the car about 1 mile home and it's been in the garage.
Today I go to leave for a very important interview for a scholarship and I hear the sputtering on start then as it idles it's moaning and gurgling very load.
I got to the end of my street and the car died.
All power staid on, the engine just stalled out. I turned the key and it started up for a split second then sputtered out...I'm assuming just from the fuel in the line.
After that it won't roll over at all.
I'm assuming it's the fuel pump.
How hard is it to change yourself? Is this something I can do or should I have the dealership do it?
Also should I replace the fuel filter again since I'm replacing the pump or should the filter be ok since it only has 6k miles on it?
Any DIYs on the fuel pump or should use the Bentley Manual?