On the way to Waterfest on Javitz stop, fellow AZiner pointed out that two columns of LED tails is out. After closer examination, I found two 2-3 inch scratches on the paint, like if somebody wanted to key it. And on top of that there is that mysterious vertical deep scratch on the rim.
It couldn't be worse, so when all my friends exited DIS showed 3 out of 4 doors open. Rear passenger side was open yet DIS said otherwise.
On the way back, it felt like engine lost some of its power, I guess it is time to some tune-up. AC kills like half of it, so ECON is like a "power boost" for me. And yes, the sunroof, I guess all-famous switch that needs to be taken apart and fixed.
On the waterfest itself I found myself no deal, since I drive 3.Slow there is nothing much that can be done anyway. AWE gave me no discount on the pedals, so I passed. Stassis gave higher price on coilovers than online.
I've seen so many parts for VW, like that nice headlight switch that started peeling for me. $30 for VW.
In the end I took worse possible times for AutoX, afternoon session, so I missed out a lot, especially AZ exhibition meet. Next year I do that in the morning.
End of rants, can somebody guide in the correct direction regarding fixing those issues?