Hate to give you bad news but.......
If you have Cam Adjusters/Chain Tensioner with part numbers ending in 088C and 087C, then you shpuld just throw the tensioners away. They have been updated to numbers ending 088H and 087F (if I'm not mistaken). The reason is because the gaskets are only contributing to your oil leak minorly. The main source of the oil leak is from the adjusters/tensioners themselves (from and through the electrical soleniods to be exact), so replacing the gaskets will only make a minor improvement, if any, on the oil leaks. The new tensioners also have updated plastic guides made of a different plastic since the old plastic guides will eventually break anyways. I recently made a post about this when someone else posted the question, I'm sure you could find it if need be. The updated tensioners are the reason why it's not uncommon to see 02, 03 and up ATQ engines in Passats and BEL 2.7T's in later Allroads with only minor bits of oil moisture around the tensioners when the cars reach the 90K range while doing the Timing Belts and pumps and all that jazz. That's because the gaskets only leak minorly but the tensioner will hold up a lot better. I've even had one on an older car like yours that was leaking at just about a steady stream out of the electrical connector.
Anywho, the bonus is that the new tensioners come with the tool you seek. Otherwise check
www.samstagsales.com. Definitely try samstag first. They always have the best deal but
www.asttool.com would also have it at a much higher price though.