So to make a long story short, a euro RNS-D unit basically fell into my lap for next to nothing. Everyone loves the RNS-E on here, and i understand most of the differences between the two units, and have a decent understanding of what it takes to set it up (thanks navplus). I know i would need an external 6disk, ect.
My question is weather the RNS-D unit is worth my time, remember i already have the unit (and it was basically free). I would love an RNS-E but i'm a college student paying out of state tuiting (OUCH, 30+/year for Purdue) and i don't see myself parting with 4+ grand for the RNS-E at the moment, but maybe i'll change my mind.
So, is there anyone who uses this unit? I understand it's not as nice as an rns-e, so is it worth my time or should i throw that ish on ebay?`