So I have a few things wrong with my car. None of them seem to be major but I'd be interested in fixing them. I drive an 03 1.8t with 72.5k that I bought in July 07 for 15.8k.
1. This is my biggest problem. Sometimes when using the AC, water will leak onto the floor pan of both the passenger and driver side. Sometimes it won't leak for a while then if I hit the breaks or make a turn it comes pouring out. Usually ends up being really hot water on my driving toes. Not always hot water, but water none the less. I'm a window guy so I don't use the AC that much but if I'm driving others or its raining and I need to defog this becomes an issue. I hate the way it makes my car smell, with the soggy bottom, and I'm worried that if this keeps happening it will corrode through the floor pan.
2. No wiper fluid. The reservoir is full so not sure what the problem is. A mechanic (not Audi) said the fluid pump motor was dead and needed to be replaced by a dealership. Don't want to pay 300ish or so to fix this problem if I can do something much cheaper on my own. Plus its not THAT big of a deal. I don't want to go out and buy a pump motor because I am not 100 percent sure that is what the problem is.
3. Water in doorwell after it rains. The water doesn't get into the car, just in that well area. I don't think this is a problem at all, but it does give my car a musty scent after rains. Rain does NOT lead to water getting in my car.
4. I have the stock Bose system and the LCD display for the radio/changer is missing a couple of lines. It didn't work when I bought it, then worked, then they went away again. No big deal, just annoying.
5. My passenger window was smashed open and I had it replaced by SafeLite. I am an idiot and used duct tape/trash bags to cover it in case of rain for a few days then the tape left a ton of gunk. I used a sponge to try to scrub it off and instead ruined some of the finish around my passenger window. Anyway to get that back or is it toast?
6. The day after I bought my car, I was driving on a highway and a fender of a truck in front of me flew off his car, I tried to swerve but it still got me. Left a 3 inch gash right where the license plate would be. I am a fool and didn't pull over to exchange info/have him pay for it. (I also didn't have insurance yet anyway, so wasn't sure pulling over would have helped at all). It is a scar on my vehicle and recently I picked up a few other nicks on the bumper. I would like it fixed, but don't feel the need to spend hundreds of dollars. If it would cost that much, I would rather just replace it with something cooler. One thing I hate is how the bottom half of the bumper is a different color than the body. (Not a HUGE deal on my car considering I've got dolphin grey anyway). Any suggestions for what I should do/how much it would cost to repair vs. how much a cooler/painted bumper would cost?
7. Do any of you knowledgeable people live in the New Orleans area?