So last weekend I did a timing belt change and intake manifold gasket change in my 99 A4. While changing the gasket, I pulled up too hard on the hard pipe that runs on top of the mani and broke the hard plastic T-pipe that this connects to on the back of the engine block. I wasn't able to figure out what this part was so I tryed to temporarily ghetto it back together (JB weld, tape & hose clamps) but this is not working. Now the cars leaking coolant and its running like hell, engine occasionally stalls and/or RPM's suddenly drop, causing the car to lerch like it would on a bad shift. Im 99.9999% sure I didn't knock off the timing when I changed the t-belt but I have no idea why a leaking coolant line would cause such terrible engine problems. Is it possible I screwed up the injectors when I removed the feul rail? or did something get into the engine? Also does anyone know a place to get codes scanned? as the check engine light is also on. I'd appreciate any insight as I can't figure this out!