Originally Posted by
If and when you do, can you post some pics of the hardware install? thanks.
Well, I took inventory of the parts I received, and found out that I'm missing two rivets and a rubber grommet. But I took a look at how it would be done, and it seems pretty easy. Here's some pics (sorry for the quality, it was taken with my cell phone):
Here's the screw you are interested in. Remove it and proceed to the next step.
Take a rubber grommet and a spacer, and insert it into the screw you have just removed.
Take the whole screw assembly, and secure to the bracket.
Look for two holes in the front of the car, this is where you would secure the bracket with the rivets.
If I had my rivets, this is how it would look like with the bracket secured.
Now, take a bushing, another rubber grommet, and insert it onto the long bolt.
Secure this assembly to the washer fluid tank, where the bolt was removed in the first step.
Clip the cover onto the two rubber grommets, and you're done. In this picture, it's only clipped on to the washer fluid bolt, and it's pretty secure. I'll rivet on the bracket next week, when I get my missing parts.