I've been tossing around the idea of 'upgrading' to an Audi for a while. Right now I drive a 2000 Jetta GLS 1.8t, but over the last year or so I've run into an enormous amount of 'gremlins' that have become quite the nuisance. My CEL light is perpetually illuminated and despite a dozen trips to 4 different dealerships it remains on and the code its throwing can't seem to be resolved. Couple that with periodic stalls due to some sort of electrical issue and... well, you see where I'm going with this.

So the other day my girlfriends Dad mentions to me that the son of his employer is looking to sell his A4. He doesn't know any details, but will ask if I'm interested. So I say sure, and go on about my day. Last night he calls me up and tells me it's not an A4, but an B5 S4, and tells me what the guy told him.
He didn't get much more info about it, but apparently it's a 2000 S4 with 54,000 miles on it. Needs a new battery because it's been sitting for a while (apparently the guys parents bought him an A6 recently to replace it before he sold the thing), has a few minor blemishes on the exterior and is chipped, though I don't know what brand/software it is. His parents want it out of their garage and he's knocking his asking price down to an even 10k for me if I want it.
So, I know there are some obvious things to look for as far as maintenance is concerned; Turbo's, timing belt, etc., and if there's no issue with them has he done the preventative maintenance such as the TBB, BPVs and the F-hose. My question to all of you is: Should I be looking for anything else specific to this model year?
I'm not particularly concerned about gas as I put 91+ in my Jetta anyway, and I don't drive enough to notice the lower fuel economy since I take public transportation to work every day and don't even have to drive to the trolley station.
Unless there's some giant dent in the thing, or the turbo's are shot and the car wont run, it seems like a pretty solid deal to me. Just wanted to know if there's anything else I should be asking him or anything I wouldn't notice when I took it for a drive/looked under the hood unless I was specifically looking to find it.
Thanks a lot.
