I think it moved from speed to bbc or the other way around. someone help me out here, i am in my studio and am to lazy to trek the 50 feet back into the house to look it up... plus, i got my gf to do some of the side missions in GTA 4 for me. I finished the story line and she likes to shoot the 'flying rats' and do the vigilante missions... why the hell am i even telling you guys this?
SoCal, yeah thats the one. I know its funny they only released the RS6 when it came out in Avant form (or was it the RS4) and now they won't even bring one over stateside :(. You could order the Australian version (left hand drive) and have it shipped :). Jesus, talk about extra cash.... if the price tag wasn't enough... im sure besides the shipping there would be import tariffs and some emissions problems to boot? RAD! :(. I too wish they would just send them out here... then after someone super rich buys one and plays with it for a while i can buy it used all beater style (the 08 with 95k miles on it in 09;)). Some times when i am looking at cars on auto trader i wonder 'how the hell did they put that many miles on it in 1 or 2 years? and how bad was this thing beat on while daddy warbucks just slammed on the gas and the brakes at every opportunity.
p.s. in the time it toook me to write that essay i just found
this. Top Gear america? with adam corolla and that dude that hosts 'european super cars exposed' or something like that. umm, Jeremy and crew are sick drivers so it will be interesting to see how the other 2 fare at driving sickly while still talking and explaining to you everything they are feeling the car do... thats the one thing that show always AMAZES me at; the fact those 3 can drive like pros and still talk about the car being driven likes it no big deal taking sharp turn at like 80 or so and be in TOTAL CONTROL... sigh*