Thanks guys! I feel better. LOL! there are definitely a few quotable one-liners in the above responses.
My original thought really wasn't about justifying the cost of a V8... As you all have posted, that's pretty easy to do. I've had that conversation with myself. So long as I can afford it, I will continue to do so cause me loves me S4.
Actually the guilt I was thinking of was social responsibility guilt. This is just IMHO, but regardless of where you stand on global warming or war in the middle east over oil, it's kind of hard to ignore the affects on society. No matter how you might explain it to yourself, driving a gas hungry V8 doesn't help. But we rightfully exercise our right do so for pure enjoyment...
It's not about right or wrong, I'm just voicing some thoughts...
The way things are going in the world... who knows how much longer I'll be able to drive a V8! Not because I can't afford to, but because society says it isn't acceptably "green" or "sustainable".
I have a feeling most 4-5 year old future enthusiasts will not be able to do so. But then maybe they'll be into the modding of their 400 whp all electric Audi!!!
Or maybe I've just been watching too much of the Discovery, NGO and SciFi channels