Keep in mind two things when thinking about trying to take your own parts to a shop.
1. Shops price work with the profit on parts and labor in mind. They will use up the same resources they have to make $$ (space and labor) with or with the $$ made from the part sale. Why should the shop do the job for less profit on your car then others? A shop that doesn't make a parts profit will be a shop that is out of business or a shop that has to charge more labor on all jobs.
2. If you supply the parts and he supplies the labor. What happens if the belt comes off? Is it his fault or your parts? Do you have a way to tell other then asking people on the internet what they think? If the shop supplies the parts and the labor then they can and should stand behind the job. If they don't supply both I don't see how or why they would.
Buying parts cheaply from internet companies is great for the diy guy. But when you take parts to a shop you have eliminated the middleman's $$ but are still wanting him to do the work and take on the risk. Seems like he gets the shaft to me.
And for what it's worth the metal impeller water pumps have a way higher catastrophic failure rate in my 20 years of experience on these cars. I use only the oe pump on engines that run them on the timing belt. The impeller may break but the bearings seem to hold up much better and the broken belts/ruined motors are fewer. I'd rather have a car overheat then break a belt any day.
sorry this started off a quick post and ended up a book.