Currently I have 18" Zender wheels and have always wanted 19".
Anyways, 2 of my four tires are completely shot. I shouldnt even drive on them, they are a danger, wires and everything are showing (I cant believe they even hold air).
So, now I am in a predicament: Buy new tires and after mountand balance, I am looking at like $600. Or spend like $1K-$1.5K for a set of 19" with tires already mounted. And figure the difference I spend on the 19" I can recoupe by selling my current set of 18". Make sense?
So I was planning on saving up for some Iforged wheels, but since I am college student my budget is $1500.
What do you all think about the following wheels:
1) 19" privat reserv
2) 19" Stern ST-2
Those are all the wheels I could find in my budget.
What do you all think? Any reviews on them? Any other choices I have?
Oh, and most importantly do they [especially the STERN wheels) clear B5S4 brakes?
Here is a pic of my car for a "visual":
(There are the 18" Zender wheels I am talking about)