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theres already a road legal euro rs6 avant here in the US and its for sale... its in california... iirc hes asking 70k...
how is this any different than my e39 m5 which has the battery located in the same spot??? (im not arguing with you on the facts, thats exactly what i heard as well... i am just curious why the e39 m5 gets a clean bill of health and a pass but the b7 rs4 avant does not...)
Because the battery in your M5 (just like the RS4 sedan and Conv) is in the trunk, not in the passenger compartment where is can become an extremely heavy projectile in an accident.
These posts come up often on forums and the majority of the replies are filled with incorrect information and generally with the connotation of if you have the money anything is impossible. Well, I've imported a few cars in the past and it's not easy, very expensive and if you attempt to bend the rules, you will see some hard times ahead. Questionable RI's (registered importers) have spent time in prision, faced heavy fines and customers have lost significant amounts of money and the cars. Look at the fiasco with Motorex and the Skylines. A fool and his money are soon departed if you try to import a B7 RS4 Avant.