Hey guys, so I bought my a4 a few months ago(LOVING it soo far!) then about a month ago i put a boost gauge in i found out it was chiped, yay for me!(~18-19PSI in 3rd,4th and 5th) then two days ago I put the atp 3" test pipe and now my boost has jumped to ~21-23PSI in the top three gears now 18 to 19 seemed normal for a chipped B5 but 21-23 seems higher than what I have seen b4. Any idea if something is wrong or do I just have some crazy magic super boost chip?
also sometimes when its really hot out 85+ and I'm not already going fast(aka freeway speeds) my car wont make boost at all till 4k ???, sometimes not at all in 1st and not till 5k in 2nd:( and I think it sounds like the wastegate is just open, I can hear the turbo spool and air rushing but then I also hear a different air rush...like the wastegates stuck open or being held open for some reason. Any ideas or thoughts on this problem?
thanks for any help or advice!