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Has anyone else actually tried to look slow on purpose, just to clown someone? I HAVE!
that's my favorite thing to do -- pace them for a bit.. maybe let them get a little bit ahead.. then just pop it into B6 3rd gear mode yo..
seriously tho.. that is fun. especially when you end up at a red light with them and they think you'll only take 'em on the top end from the experience you just gave them. then, you leave them about 10 cars behind in the first three seconds only to let them catch up with a stunned look on their face or fly by too upset to look over..
the other fun thing is what i call the 'reach around' but is only to be done when you're "alone" with the other car on the road. basically you get ahead of them, let off a bit to let them catch up, then quickly cut into their lane behind them, then into the next lane and come back around the other side and give them the Top Gun bird.