Audi A4 B5 FWD Coilovers..1 set- its a Superstreet front setup with basic rear setup.. both brand new never been used.. in the box..
The shop I got them from did a mix and match for a customer and I got these.
$725 OBO
I know, pics are worth a $1000. Wanted to post this as Im thinking about it.
I'll get pics later this week. Theyre in my storage.
PICK UP ONLY. I wont ship these to much of a hassle for me.
Located in Sylmar, CA (SoCal)
Reason for selling; Single dad needs $$ more then I need to install these.
Also have a S4 bumper for sale. Painted silver, needs a lil TLC; $250 OBO pics will also come later this week. No shipping.