well once you really understand the codes logic it really gets simple, either the valve is not energizing and opening up which it sounds like you replaced so you know its working ok, or there is a blockage in the evap system usually after the pressure system, usually you will get a fresh air vent code if it is before the pressure sensor when obstructed. oh btw maybe old guy or diagnosticator can help you out with this type of test with the vag-com as i have not had the lucky fortune of playing with evap on our cars, but have done alot on benz and nissans. but what will help you is being able to monitor the evap pressure sensor and having the specified sensor value of when the system is flowing, so you can compare this to what your actual values are, im thinking you got some crud in your line, when you pull off the hoses to your n80 is there any charcoal in the line to maybe indicate the canister is coming apart? if you replaced the n80 and you still got the code look real close for restriction anyhwhere pressure sensor forward in the system. why it really helps to monitor the pressure sensor is you can work back from the engine disconnecting hoses in the evap system, and when you see the pressure sensor fall to whatever the spec for atmospheric pressure is, you know the obstrcution is forward of that point.