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Thread: 1.8 vs 2.8

  1. #1
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    1.8 vs 2.8

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    I'm debating whether to purchase a 1.8 or a 2.8 but I can't decide. I need some feed back on which one is better. I like the power of the 2.8 chipped but I like the moding capabilities of the 1.8. Also What are the body style differences between the two? Would it be possible to put a S4 bumper on the 2.8?
    Thanks for the feedback

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings Seerlah's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Chasis are the same. Interior is the same except I think the 2.8 has real leather as opposed to pleather (not 100% posotive). The 2.8 also has wood grain trim interior. I don't know if that is standard or an option though. People put S4 bumpers on the A4 all the time. Usually to fit bigger cored FMIC for BT set ups.People also place S4 side skirts, S4 rear bumpers, and S4 brakes. If you intend to mod your car, get the 1.8. If not, get the 2.8. But most regret getting the 2.8 after a while when the mod fever comes into play.

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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Everyone is going to tell you 1.8. Be smart and listen to them especially if you have any intention of modding.

  4. #4
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Can I remove the chrome window lining from the 2.8 without it looking like shiate?

  5. #5
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    I have a 2.8, and while yes i do wish sometimes that i had a 1.8 i have plans for my 2.8 in the future..just need money. But for a daily driver i love my 2.8..i view it as a cruiser not a speed machine..but get the 1.8 better to mod and fuel efficiency

    yes the 2.8 has real leather and a wood grain interior..i believe that was standard as well as power seats

    92 Jetta- daily-slammed, much to list
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  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings loustylez's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    i've heard previously that no you can't or that it's way too much trouble or something.

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings TMorris's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    I guess we were due for another one of these threads.

    Quote Originally Posted by loustylez View Post
    i've heard previously that no you can't or that it's way too much trouble or something.
    X2 and ive never seen anyone complete it

  8. #8
    Veteran Member Three Rings fikes's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    chipped 2.8 only gets you 10 fake hp more so if you get a 2.8 don't do it its a waste of money. I'm not telling your to get a 2.8 or a 1.8 but if your looking for a nice cruiser with good fuel economy with the hp to match just buy the 1.8 and chip it and leave it plenty of power when needed.
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  9. #9
    Veteran Member Four Rings VTAudiA4's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    2.8 is 1.8's "special" brother.

    2.8 = chipped 1.8

  10. #10
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Quote Originally Posted by fikes View Post
    chipped 2.8 only gets you 10 fake hp more so if you get a 2.8 don't do it its a waste of money. I'm not telling your to get a 2.8 or a 1.8 but if your looking for a nice cruiser with good fuel economy with the hp to match just buy the 1.8 and chip it and leave it plenty of power when needed.
    So you are opposed to chipping any naturally aspirated car because the gains are not as big as a turbo car? I guess unless you can get big easy horsepower its just not worth it

    There is more to a chip than horsepower.

  11. #11
    Veteran Member Four Rings le91688's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    NA is slightly more reliable. If you want a fast car, i wouldnt buy an audi... look into a DSM or a honda with a swap. Audi's are just ballin ass cars.

  12. #12
    Veteran Member Four Rings Stampy's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Since the word MOD appeared in your post, I'll just recommend you get the 1.8t. The 2.8 is not bad, but you really must have no expectations other than what you get when you buy it.
    Last edited by Stampy; 07-03-2008 at 12:25 AM.
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  13. #13
    Veteran Member Three Rings fikes's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Quote Originally Posted by audispeed View Post
    So you are opposed to chipping any naturally aspirated car because the gains are not as big as a turbo car? I guess unless you can get big easy horsepower its just not worth it

    There is more to a chip than horsepower.
    Ok then you took it wrong. Your talking about other cars when only we should be worried about the 1.8 and 2.8. For the 1.8 yes a chip is easy horsepower but wont give it to you all the time like the 2.8 will therefor saving you on gas. If your planing on just doing more mods than a chip then you should definitely go 1.8 because you just cant do it on the 2.8 without 5k.
    1997 Audi A4 Sedan 1.8t- Sold
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Quote Originally Posted by fikes View Post
    chipped 2.8 only gets you 10 fake hp more so if you get a 2.8 don't do it its a waste of money.
    that basically sounds like you were saying a chip on a 2.8 is worthless.

    bottom line is the 1.8 is more mod friendly but the 2.8 isnt nearly as adverse to mods as people make it seem. yes there are less options, but they are there and not as expensive as people make it sound.

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    Veteran Member Three Rings fikes's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    A chip for a 2.8 is really worthless unless say it was 50 bucks or free. For 10 more hp that you wont feel I would never spend 300 for it. A friend of mine has a 2.8 and its giac chipped and he said it was the biggest waste of money ever and he had been having problems with his car ever since not to say thats from the chip but it just goes hand and hand. Its easy for you to say go 2.8 when your supercharged but most people don't have that money if they are buying a b5 a4.
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  16. #16
    Veteran Member Three Rings black00A4's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    I just got my 2.8 chipped with Unitronic, which is just a reflash of the ECU. To tell you the truth you can feel a diffrence, and it redlines a 7000 now :D I think way too many people hate on the 2.8, i think it has alot of potential but companies never took up on making parts for it. I am actually debating wether to sell my car and buy an S4 or just go supercharger next year. I am leaning towards the supercharger route just to be diffrent and I love my car haha
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  17. #17
    Veteran Member Four Rings biketsai's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    1.8 and never look back. Dont debate what you can do on the 2.8 because you shouldnt even have to think about completely going out of your way to make 300hp+
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Quote Originally Posted by black00A4 View Post
    I just got my 2.8 chipped with Unitronic, which is just a reflash of the ECU. To tell you the truth you can feel a diffrence, and it redlines a 7000 now :D I think way too many people hate on the 2.8, i think it has alot of potential but companies never took up on making parts for it. I am actually debating wether to sell my car and buy an S4 or just go supercharger next year. I am leaning towards the supercharger route just to be diffrent and I love my car haha

    The G2 can be had new for $3500 new and can be had used for $2800 or less. FWIW mine may be for sale next year. I have some 8.5/1 pistons laying around and some naughty thoughts

  19. #19
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    If the choice were mine, I'd always go the larger capacity motor.

    Yes, the 2,8 is n/a, and doesn't respond to traditional mods the 1,8T would accept, but there are always options.

    It just depends on how much you're willing to spend.
    Nothing good was ever easy, the 1,8T has its fans, because of the ease at which power can be extracted.

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  20. #20
    Veteran Member Four Rings Stampy's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    Man, I think thats one of the best explanations ever.

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  21. #21
    Veteran Member Four Rings Videlov's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    I personally like the 2.8 because it has a bigger engine and it sounds much better when driving it... And yes I'm planning on buying an intake and chip for my car, even though people say that it does not do much. Yeah if you are planning to tune the car up to let's say 280hp+ than get a 1.8T, if not, just buy the 2.8 and put the little available mods on it, the comfort and ride is much better as well as engine noise.
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  22. #22
    Senior Member Two Rings fenderstrat1184's Avatar
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    Re: 1.8 vs 2.8

    ive had both. i sold my 2001 2.8 for a 2000 1.8t with almost half the miles.... got for the 1.8t, you wont regret it

    more potential to be fast (if thats your route), lighter than the 2.8, better fuel economy, and for $500 you can get a chip that makes it feel like your driving a new car (for at least a while)
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