I have 01 1.8 and i starting getting a cel light on about a month ago and my only codes were camshaft position sensor signal to high and catlyst system bank1 efficiency below threshold I cleared the codes and only came 2 more times in that month ..the light came back on and now i got another 3 codes wich are (manifold/barometric pressure sensor implausible signal) (bank 1 camshaft a intake retard set point not reached overadvanced) (manifold pressure/ boost sensor to low).... so today i changed the cam sensor because my buddy gave me one ,drove the car didnt erase any faults and checked the codes once more now another 2 came on which are (multiple cylynder misfire) + cylynder 4 misfire ...Does anybody have a clue what i should do before i go to the dealer and get ripped off? would aprriciate any help at all...