Well they came in yesterday and they were installed today. I just got back from about an hour drive. I just had to stop and come home for a bit (I was in training all day) and get situated.
All I can say is what a HUGE A$$ difference in the way the car rides and handles now. I cannot make a comparison to stock as my car was not set up as stock from my initial purchase. However, I am utterly thrilled with the new set up.
I spent about 2 hours just dicking around with the settings on the shocks last night. So much so my hand hurts from compressing them and readjusting em so much. I am kind of anal/obsessive about those kind of things. I am still grateful I did not get COs for that exact reason - I would still be messing around with them!!
At any rate, I set ALL four to one full turn from soft. I could not be happier. The ride is firm yet compliant and the best part....... I have no more bouncy bouncy!!! The car settles itself nicely going over spots that made me kind of kick up out of my seat.
I went into an area here in Colorado called Highlands Ranch. TONS of expansion joints. Prior to the Konis I would get a weird undulation in the car. You could tell the shocks just were not matched with the spring rates at all. The ride would just sort of beat you up until you got back onto asphalt. Not so now. While you still feel the road, she glides right over these expansion joints.
FastB7S4... I would recommend this setting for you. Quite honestly I think a half turn would be too soft... but that is just me. Even my fiance got in the car and liked it. She noticed a big difference in the ride quality and she is NOT a car person.
At highway speeds she is flat. Hard lange change at 75MPH planted me in the next lane with no noticeable body roll. Next summer I will look into sways and see what kind of affect that will have on this setup.
All and all... I am also very please with the install and the cost. Here is what I had done for a grand total of
- Oil change (I provided the oil and filter)
- Shock install (set at my settings prior to dropping them off)
- 4 Wheel alignment
I would have done the oil change myself but with my situation right now it was easier to have them do it for $20. Just the disposal of the oil is worth that!!
If anyone is in the area and wants to know more about the shop I used, PM me and I will let you know. Great guys and excellent prices!
Just as an FYI:
-With the exception of Camber, everything in the front (to include Cross camber, Cross caster, Cross SAI, Total Toe, and cross turn diff) was dialed in. The specified range for front camber on the S is -1.03 degress to -.04 degrees. My front left is currently sitting at -1.7 and front right is -1.5. Both just outside the range.
Rear camber and toe (to include Cross camber, Total Toe, Thrust angle, and axle offset) is spot on.
I will be rotating every 5K miles so really I am not all that worried about it. At any rate, the front camber cannot be adjusted. It can be evenly balanced out within the specification/tolerance range by moving the subframe (which was done in my case).
Sorry this is so long winded but I want to give as much initial info as I can to FastB7S4 as I know his install is coming up quick. This is just an hour impression. As things move along I will see if I can add more later. I have a G2G tomorrow and I will get my other car buddies input as well.