This is a flashed ECU, contains the GIAC-X tweaker pump file and XR tweaker race file. The boost controller option is enabled for both of them.
A flash with these two files + boost controller would be $599 + $100 + $100 or $799 total.
I'd like $500 + your stock ECU or $700 without. I'll ship you this one first so you don't have any down time and trust that you'll ship yours to me after installation.
I ran 4.8 FATS on 91 and stock turbos with the pump file, and an 8.0 @ 86 mph 1/8 mile on 110 octane w/ stock turbos.
I was also running 3.7-3.8 FATS as stage 3 homebrew w/ greentop injectors and 85mm MAF.