This is a reminder to all of you who own an S4 with the 4.2 V8. At the 75,000 mile tune up it suggests replacing the ribbed belt on the front of the motor. Also known as a serpentine belt. I HIGHLY recommend following the suggestion despite the expense or the hastle depending on if you're doing it yourself or not.
I purchased my car with 85,000 miles on it not knowing this had not been done, at 88,000 miles the battery light came on, not thinking anything of it I drove the car another 7 miles home as it was running fine. To my surprise not only was my belt "missing" shredded to threads more like it, my car was also leaking some oil.
After hours of putting the "lock carrier" into "service" mode so you can have access to the front of the motor I discovered that part of the belt was wrapped around the crank and was partially sucked into the block through the front seal. To change this seal it is recommended that you purchase about $400 of specialty tools for removal and installation, since I couldn't get it out any other way I broke down and bought the tools. Well worth the money. Needless to say if the belt had been changed the seal would still be fine.
FYI: ALWAYS check to make sure your hood latch works before shutting your hood after putting the car in the "Lock Carrier Service" mode, they don't tell you too, thus I closed mine and sure enough it didn't re-open. My HOOD LATCH had come loose under the hood and was now stuck. Luckily I was able to find this article
and by using only a long flat blade screwdriver to gently pry off the beauty ring around the grill, broke off only 2 clips, and then the grill itself, was able to remove the 3 acorn nuts from the latch mounted to the hood with a 10mm open end wrench, flat by flat, took about an hour. Hood opened, replaced the latch, reconnected the cable and was back in business.
BTW one of the long bumper mount bolts are long enough to act as the specialty lock carrier "support tool" just be careful with it.
Also, lost two ignition coils due to washing all of the grim and oil off the front of the motor, should of just left it alone, what's it hurt anyways.
Follow your scheduled maintenance!