they better cause else it woud be a waiste to buy them.
I didn't want to buy ER's cause I had to pay 1250 + 150 postage wile IPP only asked half
ER are the way to go IF you wanna go BIG power and have the funds, I wanted to but had other things on my mind for now.
The day I go BIG power i'll just buy a Meth/water kit for 500 and be cooler then any IC there is.
and I'm a little new in this logging stuff, but how do you guys think an RS4 would compare to these IPP's on this same run this guy did. better or worse ...
135 Fahrenheit = 57,2222222 graden celsius
115 Fahrenheit = 46,1111111 graden celsius
I don't think this is so bad of an intake temp or am I wrong with the outside temp of +- 70F