OK long story short a couple weeks ago I bought a 1996 Audi A4 2.8L Auto. It needed a little work (ok a lot) so I got it for a good price but this is never ending.
Some of the issues it had/has slipping tranny, oil leaks, ps fluid leaks, sputtering, bad idle, CEL on, torn CV boots, broken sunroof, missing misc trim, etc. So here is what I did so far:
1 - Tranny was slipping and before replacing it I decided to flush the fluid/change the filter/gasket/clean pan. Well it turns out it was almost 3qt low on tranny fluid. Put new fluid in and it seems to work better for now, we shall see how long it lasts.
2 - Fixed the torn CV boots
3 - Replaced the sunroof and misc trim
4 - To fix the bad idle I cleaned the ICV, tested it too it came out good, cleaned the TB, did the phone cord trick to the TB rubber seal, replaced all the vacuum lines, nothing still has a bad idle its not too bad but annoying going from 500-800 rpm
5 - Seafoamed it, changed the oil, the oil filter, air filter, cabin filter, new spark plugs, new spark plug wires, new coolant sensor, new oil pan gasket, cleaned the pick up, new valve cover gaskets, new battery. Result ... nothing still has no power and idles like crap.
Now today it really went bad it started to sputtering at idle and when I take off.
What could be wrong with it?
Oh I did a compression check to make sure no blown headgasket or bent vales, it came back 165-170psi on all 6 so engine seems to be in good shape. And the CEL keeps coming back as misfire on cylinders 3&5.
I'm thinking to tackle the fuel system next, like fuel filter, injectors and fuel pump but I'm getting tired of working on it and spending all this time and money. Any suggestions? Thank you.