I bought the APT FMIC kit when it was on ebay
Bad choice! The pipes didn't even come close to fitting tight. They where way too long to keep the inserts in. Heres a pic with no modification to the plumbing.
Craptastic iPhone Pic
After a few hours of cutting/welding and making the pipes fit the way I wanted I came up with this.
Im really happy with the outcome and the increase in hp, but Im not happy that I paid 800 or so for this kit that they say is bolt on. If thats true than youll have one ugly ass ricer FMIC sticking out your bumper and youll also be using your stock rubber SMIC hoses for fitment I purchased this kit last summer and I just got around to doing this due to my timing belt replacement. JHM FMIC is the way to go, their kit looks nice and you cant beat that price. The APT core seems to be the exact same core CXRacing sells on ebay for 180 or whatever, so that means that I paid 620 for pipes that fit like SH*T!! Oh, and not to mention the couplers and clamps are junk too. I had to replace some of those as well. I just figured I would share my crappy experience with APT.