Changed the oil, plugs, and air filter on the 03 A6 we got a few weeks ago. It definitely is leaking more oil than my 01 S4 does with twice as many miles. The lower rear of the engine and back to the tranny/diff have oil on the bottom. It looks like it is coming from higher up on the rear of the motor. Both turbo's are clean and dry(you can definitely get a better look at them on the A6 than an S4). So are there any common oil leaks in this area? Rear main seal??(really hope not)
It hasn't lost any noticeable amount of oil in the 4 or so weeks we've had it. I'm going to keep monitoring it to see how much it's leaking now that I changed the oil. It is definitely still leaking as there were fresh drips on the bottom of the oil pan. Most of what's on the tranny/diff is just caked on with dirt.