Yeah, it was bullshit with the GLI. I bought it used and just before I bought it, it had a little over 9k worth of work done to it. New engine, turbo, clutch, brakes, radiator, all sorts of shit. Basically some kid really fucked it up (told the parents it was stolen) and the parents took it back, repaired it out of pocket and then sold it.
After that i came across a few things that the "techs" decided to mickey mouse instead of replace. Such as these two hoses.
This is the small hose. Shit melted so bad, no air flow can even pass through it.
This is a hose with some heat shrink tubing. The hose is so fucked. What the fuck were they thinking?
Then I had the engine speed sensor go out a week after I bought it. Engine overheated to the point of death and this sensor which plugs directly into the block was not replaced. Car even had the 16706 code when I bought it. Whatever, I paid for it out of pocket and fixed it myself.
Then as soon as i had that fixed I had a coil pack go out. No biggie, common failure. So as I swapped one out I decided to check the spark plugs. I figured they should be new though right? New engine, new spark plugs. Wrong! They put the same god damn plugs from the blown engine into the new engine. Seriously, what the fuck? They were even the original plugs. Car had 52k miles on it.
And let me say something about Alfredo Topete. You know, the service advisor. He is a complete douche bag. I went down there and brought all this to his attention. He remembered the job 100%. He said, "My guys wouldnt do something like that. That must of happened after we fixed it." Come the fuck on. Shit like that dosent happen unless there is MAJOR problems. Major failures. Fucking retard.
I even had a platinum 7yr/100k mile warranty on the car. Did I transfer it? Nope. I would rather pay out of pocket for any repairs that come up and do the job myself rather than take it back to those fucks at Family Motors. (I also let the 30 day warranty transfer deadline expire. Oops!)
It has also been a headache with them when I had to deal with some TSB's on the Touareg. Simple shit yet they cant keep it simple and take care of business.