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    Veteran Member Four Rings B6Lovin's Avatar
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    question about internal waste gates

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    ok... we all know they suck for larger turbo applications, go external, blahblahblah

    that's not of any importance here, so keep the opinions to yourself. kthx

    anyways, lets assume that hypothetically - someone with say... a GTRS eliminator was considering upgrading to a 3071R-WG (the bastard child of a love-hate relationship between a 2871R and a 3071R)

    would swapping the waste gate actuator from the GTRS be feasible? Does anyone know what the set spring tension is in it? (7psi?) and would it be more worthwhile to upgrade to a 14psi actuator if it is indeed a 7psi on the GTRS.

    while we're on the subject, if you're running a MBC or EBC (which effectively reduces the amount of boost the waste gate actuator sees) would it even matter which one you had?

    this is all hypothetical of course...

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    Veteran Member Four Rings dirtybrd's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Your 2871 WG act. will fit on Shawns 3071wg. A 7psi spring is 7psi and can only increase boost but not lower it. I am running off the WG spring in my car for the time and get 5-7 psi, I have an ext. WG but that doesn't matter. All a MBC or EBC does is limit/control the amount of boost the act. sees.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings B6Lovin's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    that's what i though. so i guess i'll be swapping that over
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    Veteran Member Four Rings F16HTON's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Quote Originally Posted by B6Lovin View Post
    ok... we all know they suck for larger turbo applications, go external, blahblahblah

    that's not of any importance here, so keep the opinions to yourself. kthx

    anyways, lets assume that hypothetically - someone with say... a GTRS eliminator was considering upgrading to a 3071R-WG (the bastard child of a love-hate relationship between a 2871R and a 3071R)

    would swapping the waste gate actuator from the GTRS be feasible? Does anyone know what the set spring tension is in it? (7psi?) and would it be more worthwhile to upgrade to a 14psi actuator if it is indeed a 7psi on the GTRS.

    while we're on the subject, if you're running a MBC or EBC (which effectively reduces the amount of boost the waste gate actuator sees) would it even matter which one you had?

    this is all hypothetical of course...

    (SOMEONE BUY MY GTRS!!!!!!!!)
    Hypothetically speaking why are you interested in changing turbos already? What exhaust manifold are you planning on running?

    FWIW the Eliminator series turbos come with a 1.0 bar wastegate actuator that can be tuned a little higher or a little lower depending on the tension you put on it (pre-load).

    You cannot just change your actuator to the 30-71WG because the arm on the eliminator series turbos is modified (shortened by ATP) and does not work correctly on the full sized T-2 or T-3 flanged turbo.

    If you are planning on running between 14 and 30 pounds of boost, the internally gated turbo will do you just fine, you will not see boost creep with it because NOBODY runs 9-12 pounds of boost on the 1.8T, it just does not make power at those levels.

    There are a few choices out there for T3 flanged manifolds for the 1.8T Longitudinal motor but they all have the highlights and drawbacks.

    1.) ATP style cast iron manifold: Works well, the turbo will fit on the side of the motor however you will be replacing studs all of the time because they break. The reason they break is because the turbo is heavy and the studs support the full weight of the turbo, no all 4 studs support it but rather 2 studs because of the size of the holes in relationship to the size of the studs. Log style cast manifolds are not good for high RPM applications because the exhaust pulses begin to cancel each other out and send the EGTs through the roof too.

    2.) Tubular style manifolds: All tubular manifolds wil eventually crack, it is a fact of life, get over it. The main advantage is when there is a low merge angle on the collector that allows the exhaust to flow more freely at higher RPMs which gives you higher output. Everyone that I know who runs a tubular low merge angle manifold feels it performs better at higher RPMs. I might be a bit biased but I feel the Full-Race manifolds are the best on the market right now.

    Feel free to call me any time if you have questions.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings B6Lovin's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    ok. so i CANT just switch my actuator over? i was looking on ATP's website, and they charge the same for a 7psi actuator as a 14psi actuator.. so i guess i'll go with the 14?

    boost creep wasn't something i was terribly worried about anyways, but that's good to have the reassurance.

    I'm switching up turbos already because i'm already building my motor... and i'll only be out about 200 bucks to swap turbos/manifolds once my other one is sold. figured i might as well, since that turbo/manifold are the biggest chokes in my system as far as power/air flow are concerned right now.

    i was planning on running the T25 flanged manifold from ATP with a blockoff plate on the waste gate flange. I don't need the external gate now, nor can i afford it/the extra exhaust work. (my new 3" is gonna cost me enough as is..) not to mention the ladies might shit a brick if they have to listen to open waste gate dump all the time lol.. personally i think they sound sweet... but im a car nut.

    i also cant afford a full-race manifold right now. i'll worry about that after i build a different motor and go even bigger further down the road. (im sure i won't stay happy with these power levels forever)
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    Veteran Member Four Rings A4 TSCHUSS's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Or you can reach him at

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    Veteran Member Four Rings F16HTON's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Quote Originally Posted by B6Lovin View Post
    ok. so i CANT just switch my actuator over? i was looking on ATP's website, and they charge the same for a 7psi actuator as a 14psi actuator.. so i guess i'll go with the 14?

    boost creep wasn't something i was terribly worried about anyways, but that's good to have the reassurance.

    I'm switching up turbos already because i'm already building my motor... and i'll only be out about 200 bucks to swap turbos/manifolds once my other one is sold. figured i might as well, since that turbo/manifold are the biggest chokes in my system as far as power/air flow are concerned right now.

    i was planning on running the T25 flanged manifold from ATP with a blockoff plate on the waste gate flange. I don't need the external gate now, nor can i afford it/the extra exhaust work. (my new 3" is gonna cost me enough as is..) not to mention the ladies might shit a brick if they have to listen to open waste gate dump all the time lol.. personally i think they sound sweet... but im a car nut.

    i also cant afford a full-race manifold right now. i'll worry about that after i build a different motor and go even bigger further down the road. (im sure i won't stay happy with these power levels forever)
    A new wastegate cost me $40 bucks when I bought it for my full size turbo. I may have the old one sitting around at home you can have for free.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings B6Lovin's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Quote Originally Posted by 400HPA4 View Post
    A new wastegate cost me $40 bucks when I bought it for my full size turbo. I may have the old one sitting around at home you can have for free.
    that would be awesome! let me know, i guess i'll go ahead and order the bracket and then wait for word from you. call email or PM me.

    p.s. - any word from southbend on my order status? still no sign of the clutch in the mail. just get ahold of me. (i'm almost always up all night, so even though i'm eastern time, just call whenever you have a free minute.)
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    Veteran Member Four Rings F16HTON's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    What bracket? The wastegate actuator comes with the bracket. Is this going to be for Shawns turbo? If it is, make sure you get a T3 flanged manifold because this is what he has.

    The block off plate works great but DO NOT use the gasket as it will definietly fail. You need to tighten it down with grade 8 or better cap screws (allen or triplesquare) and torque it down as much as mechanically possible, make sure you use anti sieze or assembly lube on the threads so they do not bind when you are torquing it.

    All of this stuff I am posting comes from my experience with turbo hardware over the past 4 years, evedrything I say to do is because it is a remedy for when shit fucks up.

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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    he is talking about buying a a 3071 internal wastegate turbo (2871r T25 housing)shawn ordered for a customer which didnt get used and is in the classifieds not the 3071r off shawns car

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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Quote Originally Posted by 400HPA4 View Post
    What bracket? The wastegate actuator comes with the bracket. Is this going to be for Shawns turbo? If it is, make sure you get a T3 flanged manifold because this is what he has.

    The block off plate works great but DO NOT use the gasket as it will definietly fail. You need to tighten it down with grade 8 or better cap screws (allen or triplesquare) and torque it down as much as mechanically possible, make sure you use anti sieze or assembly lube on the threads so they do not bind when you are torquing it.

    All of this stuff I am posting comes from my experience with turbo hardware over the past 4 years, evedrything I say to do is because it is a remedy for when shit fucks up.
    the bracket that bolts to the turbo which you mount the actuator to.. on the site it's a separate piece. this isn't for the turbo on shawns car, but rather for the one which he's selling in the classifieds which he said is a T25.

    edit -- read what david said above, that's the one im talking about

    I've heard not to use a gasket on those, so its good to hear the same from you. conflicting information always worries me lol. thanks for all the pointers, its stuff like this that's helping me get through everything with as few headaches as possible.
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Quote Originally Posted by B6Lovin View Post
    the bracket that bolts to the turbo which you mount the actuator to.. on the site it's a separate piece. this isn't for the turbo on shawns car, but rather for the one which he's selling in the classifieds which he said is a T25.

    I've heard not to use a gasket on those, so its good to hear the same from you. conflicting information always worries me lol. thanks for all the pointers, its stuff like this that's helping me get through everything with as few headaches as possible.
    I have the bracket at home for a T2 to you.

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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Quote Originally Posted by 400HPA4 View Post
    I have the bracket at home for a T2 to you.
    sweet, i sent you a PM. thanks man!
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

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    Veteran Member Four Rings 317ssayzarc's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    like to keep your passenger side headlight lol?

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    Veteran Member Four Rings dirtybrd's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    I don't see an issue with the headlight

    I'm back bitches!

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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    well since itll put the turbo inlet right over the frame area, you will have to be very crafty with the TIP... to the drivers side is the mani, to the pass side is the fender, to the top is the hood and the bottom the framerail...

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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    or go mafless

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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Quote Originally Posted by EmoScumBag View Post
    or go mafless
    i hate you guys and your motronic 7

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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    yeah, i dont have a TIP or MAF at all. just a filter.

    and i looked at that... but decided i didnt like it as much as the ATP... mainly because it's 100 bucks more, and im no more sure about whether or not it'll crack (i plan to fab up a support bracket for the new turbo)
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    Veteran Member Four Rings dirtybrd's Avatar
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    Re: question about internal waste gates

    Quote Originally Posted by 317ssayzarc View Post
    well since itll put the turbo inlet right over the frame area, you will have to be very crafty with the TIP... to the drivers side is the mani, to the pass side is the fender, to the top is the hood and the bottom the framerail...
    I had to do the same thing with my Treadstone mani. If I'd known about the SPA manifold, I'd have went with it.

    I'm back bitches!

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